Yesterday, Monday, 24 January, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), issued a statement through the head of its delegation in Syria, Mr Christophe Martin, about the events taking place in the city of Hasakah and attack on the Industrial (Al-Sina’a) Prison by the terrorist organisation Daesh. The ICRC is trying to politicise humanitarian support, and limit aid to the parties associated with the Syrian regime, which only controls the Security Quarter within the city.
The ICRC forgets that the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) and its bodies and entities have been on alert for the past five days to provide support and assistance to the residents of Al-Ghwairan neighbourhood and Al-Zohour neighbourhood adjacent to Al-Sina’a Prison, despite their limited capabilities.
By politicising the suffering of our people in Hasakah, which resulted from the terrorist attack by Daesh, the ICRC is trying to appease the regime in Damascus. This is considered a violation of ICRC’s principles. This deliberate politicisation of the tragedy does not serve the needy and those affected by the armed conflict.
The AANES and all its security and military forces are committed to international humanitarian law, and its medical and relief teams were established to serve the needs of the Syrian people without discrimination and without politicising the suffering of the people.
Department of Foreign Relations
Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
25 January 2022