They were received by Dr. Abdel Karim Omar, the co-chair of the Foreign Relations Department, the deputy co-chairs Mr. Fener Kaait, and Ms. Abeer Alya, and the Director of the Presidential Office, Nafya Muhammad.
During the meeting, the representatives of the Foreign Relations Department explained the experience of the Autonomous Administration and its advanced model in administrating the cities and regions of north and east Syria, adding that what distinguishes the Autonomous Administration is its inclusiveness to all religious and ethnic components, in addition to the co-chairing model applied in all councils, bodies, and offices of the Autonomous Administration.
The two sides exchanged views on the current situation in Syria in general, and the Autonomous Administration regions in particular, and on developing relations between Uzbekistan and the Autonomous Administration.

The Uzbek delegation was updated on the challenges facing the Autonomous Administration, including confronting terrorism and economic challenges as a result of the crisis that Syria has been going through for years in addition to the siege imposed on the region, especially after the closure of the Tel Kojar crossing, the application of the Ceaser act, the collapse of the Syrian pound, and the spread of the Corona. Very little aid comes through the international organizations via Damascus reaches to our religion, and it has been stressed the need to find alternative ways to send vaccines directly to north and east Syria to confront the pandemic.
Dr. Abdul Karim Omar talked about Turkey’s attacks and threats and its ongoing violations in the occupied areas of Afrin, Serekaniye (Ras al-Ain), and Girê Spi (Tal Abyad), stressing that these Turkish threats and attacks are to destabilize security and stability in the region and an attempt to revive ISIS again, and Turkey is continuing its project to conduct Demographic change in the region

The two sides discussed the situation of the families of the terrorist organization ISIS (women and children) of Uzbek nationality in the camps.

The Foreign Relations Department handover 34 orphans to the Russian Federation
a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a visit to north and eastern Syria
The Foreign Relations Department handover 34 orphans to the Russian Federation
a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a visit to north and eastern Syria